About Us

Welcome to DB ORG

A comprehensive editorial resource and a vibrant expert community to help you on your DBA Journey.

About DB ORG

Database Organization (DB ORG) is the leading destination for database enthusiasts of all skill levels. Databaseorg.com website provides Database Administrators with the updated documentation, KB Articles, scripts, and tips. It is a trusted platform for education and learning. As a global nonprofit, DB ORG is transforming traditional education, removing the barriers of cost, location and access.

Database Expertise

Oracle 95%
SQL Server 90%
MongoDB 70%
MariaDB 75%

About Author:

Sandeep is an Oracle Certified Professional(OCP), MS SQL Server Certified having specialization in High Availability, RAC Clusters, DataGuard, Backup/Recovery, Database Migrations.

Certifications and Overview:

  • Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) and Oracle Certified Cloud Database Administrator
  • Microsoft Certified Administrator SQL Server 2016 and Azure Cloud DBA
  • Specialized in Database High Availability Solutions, Backup/Recovery and Database Migrations.
  • This website (www.databaseorg.com) is for sharing knowledge about databases.
  • Oracle Database, SQL Server, MongoDB, MariaDB and Couchbase.
  • Primary goal is to help fellow DBA’s saving time while working with Databases.
You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.